Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Political Fairy Tales.

Today is election day for the country, everyone is cramming to find out who they are voting for. Some people know just by knowing what partisan party the potential officials are associated with.

Earlier, I was doing my research as well, and came to the realization that politics are types of fairy tales . Let me elaborate

I was reading over the candidate's views on certain political issues such as the Tax questions coming up and their personal views on things like casinos and same sex marriage. I realized that like the roles of the people in the fairy tales, the government assigns certain roles to the parties.

It really depends on your political stance, and this post is not to advocate to vote a certain way or be part of a certain party. Unlike standard fairy tales, the political tale is one that is subject based on personal view, which makes it a little different.

Republicans - always against gay marriage, for high taxes, want casinos, the rich get richer, sometimes viewed as the "crone" or "witch" within the system.

Democrats - at times on the fence about certain issues, a cross between independent and republican views, but more liberal than republicans.

Green - full speed ahead in an activists best friend kind of way, better the environment and very liberal, yet never gets a big enough fan base to matter.

DO NOTE : the above are the stereotypes or "roles" upon the political parties that they fall under. Obviously there are some democrats against gay marriage and republicans that do not want casinos, but they are part of a party because roles were assigned to those parties and they join knowing what the implications of those roles are, thus accepting them.

Interestingly enough there are 3 general roles, like that of the princess, prince, and crone. Depending on your political views, those roles could shift around, but one is good, one is bad, and the other is fighting for something. Within different situations roles can be mixed with a little of this and that, but the parallels are obviously there.

are the crone (in my personal opinion), they always hate gay marriage, they are for tabor, etc. etc. Democrats are sort of on the line about certain things, yes and no's maybes, and then Green is the more proactive type of people. I was reading people's stances on certain things and they are always the same within the given stereotypes. It i sort of like the given roles of the princess , crone, and hero. They act a certain way, feel a certain way, and it is never different.

The funny thing about the politics side of it is though, i heard a lot of my friends saying "we are going to vote for Governor Baldacci because we don't want Candidate Woodcock to win" , i think that is a horrible way to look at it because if everyone looks at it like that , it is going to be like that. This is why these stories and fairy tales are being remade, no one is taking the risk. Possibly true that the risk for losing is far to great to suffer, but we need to open up our minds, and change these roles, and though we do have to vote for a role, we are also voting for people, so maybe we should be interested in the story they are interested in telling!

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